In September 2020 we opened the doors to our second OFF-CUT shop, in Crystal Palace. This would prove to be a bit of a false start for the shop, as after just 7 weeks we were plunged into nearly 5 months of lockdowns. In April 2021 we had our new beginning… and the shop and the team have gone from strength to strength ever since. We have loved getting to know our new clients and our neighbours (shout-out to the teams at Triangle Tattoo, Imove Property and Four Boroughs Coffee), and after 8 successful months, we can well and truly say Crystal Palace feels like home.

In June 2021 came shop number 3 - OFF-CUT Streatham. We were excited to welcome Charlie Morse (@charliecmorse) into the OFF-CUT fold as director and co-owner on this project. With our joint vision, the shop took shape over the spring, and since opening has welcomed hundreds of new faces from Streatham and the surrounding areas. Some not so new faces were our friends at Bright Pete Holdings, who opened the incredible Carmine (@carminesw16) just a few doors down in October - welcome to the street, neighbours. Congratulations to all. We are excited to see what the future holds for 2022 in SW16.